Experience has convinced governments that they should have gold on hand to the value of30 or40 per cent of their currency in circulation. 政府根据经验认为,他们所持有黄金的价值应该是流通货币的30%到40%。
Or the trees cut down to print all US currency in circulation? 或是用来印美钞砍的树比较重?
In the eurozone, for example, currency in circulation is just 9 per cent of broad money ( M3). 例如,在欧元区,流通中货币仅占广义货币(m3)的9%。
We divided the gold reserves held by central bank with the currency in circulation of that country. 我们的黄金储备分为由中央银行与流通中现金的该国。
To keep the renminbi stable, the People's Bank of China buys nearly all the incoming foreign currency, invests it, and then tries to sterilise the monetary impact in China by issuing local currency bills to take the funds out of circulation. 为保持人民币稳定,中国人民银行(PBoC)买入几乎所有流入中国的外汇,对其进行投资,然后通过发行本币票据,试图从流通系统中吸走这些现金,以冲销这些外汇对中国的货币影响。
Goods currency declined in circulation with the development of commodity economic. 实物货币随着商品经济的发展,在流通中地位日益下降。
Since the issuance of "pure paper" with existing as the currency in circulation, inevitable meeting causes the existing currencies and the price rises considerably. 自从发行的“纯”存在的纸货币流通,必然会引发现有的货币和价格大幅上涨。
A measure of the money supply; includes currency in circulation plus demand deposits or checking account balances. 货币供给量;包括流通中的货币量和活期存款或帐户结余。
There appeared some large country fairs in some parts of Anyang area and metal and paper currency in circulation, which made some commerce more prosperous. 安阳各地出现了一些大的集市、金属货币和纸币的流通,使商业更趋繁荣。
The book's publisher, a unit of the state-owned CITIC group, said Currency Wars had sold nearly 200,000 copies, with an estimated 400,000 extra pirated copies in circulation as well. 这本书的出版商是国有中信集团的一个下属机构。它表示,该书的销售量已达到20万册,并估计其盗版发行量为40万册。
The theory of analysis of the evolvement of currency equilibrium was on the basis of follow: Money demand in the currency equilibrium theory only means to the narrow currency in circulation. 文中对货币均衡理论演变的分析,指出了已有货币均衡理论研究中的必须注意到的一些限制条件:首先,货币均衡理论中的货币需求,仅仅是指流通中的狭义货币。
So, the currency in circulation served as intermediate target of monetary policy. 利率充当中介目标的典型是美国。在美国,货币主义实验的失败使货币内生的观点得到复活。
The results show that there is a reliable co integration relationship between the true price level and currency in circulation. 结果表明,在货币和价格指标选择恰当条件下,二者存在协整关系。
The currency in circulation is the component parts of basic monetary, also the most active level of monetary aggregates. 现金是基础货币重要的组成部分,也是货币供应量中最活跃的一个层次。
Currency in Circulation and Fund in Settlement The Problems and Countermeasures in Money Circulation at Present 流通中货币与结算中资金目前货币流通中存在的问题及对策
In this paper, by the fuzzy control theory, the new method of control currency in circulation is given. 本文利用Fuzzy控制理论给出了一个新的控制货币流通的方法。
Business cycle is viewed as a cycle of macro-economy fluctuation of a nation or an area, and the index includes economic growth rate, inflation rate, people's income, consumption and savings, currency issued in circulation, foreign exchange accounting. 人们一直把经济周期理解一个国家和地区宏观经济发展波动的周期,并使用经济增长率,通货膨胀率,居民收入、消费和储蓄水平,货币投放量及外汇储备等经济指标进行衡量。
Issuance of paper money and currency in circulation are two different thing, but with correlative ties. 货币发行和流通中货币是两个不同质的却有密切联系、相关的事物。
Then, money shortage's happening could be learned from economic purpose of political reform and its effect on currency in circulation. 其后钱荒的发生可从变法的经济目的及其对货币流通产生的影响窥见一斑。
So long as the government can follow the circulation law of the currency, adjust and control the amount of paper currency to adapt to the currency quantity in circulation, the reality that paper currency totally replaces the position of metal money is totally feasible. 只要政府能遵循货币的流通规律,调控纸币的发行量适应流通中所需要的货币量,纸币完全取代金属货币的流通地位是完全可行的。
The budget deficits we've experienced in the past few years have seriously affected the amount of currency in circulation as well as the development of the whole national economy. 连续几年的财政赤字,对市场货币流通量、乃至对整个国民经济的发展影响颇大。
Warring States Period turtles Pui the text on the state of Chu was mainly refers to the currency in circulation recorded text. 战国时代龟贝上的文字主要是指当时楚国境内流通的货币上记载的文字。
As the medium of exchange, the quantity of currency is from a small amount into large numbers in circulation, and its function has gradually strengthened. 最初行使交换媒介功能的货币,从少量使用发展为大量流通,其作用也逐步加强。
Adjacent to the living on the frontiers of transnational marriages situation has long existed between China and Vietnam, the same language, similar cultures, lifestyle differences, the currency in the region of the border trade with each other free circulation. 中越两国相邻,边民的跨国通婚状况早就存在,他们语言相通,文化相近,生活习惯差异不大,货币在边贸地区也是可以彼此自由流通的。
The capital, which is the complete form of the currency, can be exchanged with the labor, and save itself in circulation. 资本是货币的完成形式。资本能够通过与劳动交换,以流通为前提、在流通中并通过流通保存自己。
The increasing amount of money supply that was injected by the form of the funds outstanding for foreign exchange will ultimately cause excessive currency in circulation, leading to inflationary pressures. 外汇占款形式发放的货币供应量的增加,最终引起流通中货币过多,形成通货膨胀压力。
In the "three coins" scheme, Qiu Jun advocated using silver as the basic form of currency in circulation; this also made his monetary scheme show a certain degree of modern color. 在三币方案中,丘溶提出了以银做本位币的看法,这也就使得他的货币制度方案极具近代色彩。
In the Warring States Period, Pui coins, Bu currency, knife currency, and round currency were in circulation in different countries and regions. 春秋战国时代,贝币、布币、刀币、圜钱四类形制不向的货币分别流通在不同的国家与地域。
At the traditional Chinese academic opinion that: inflation will only happen in the case of notes in circulation happen, metal currency in circulation conditions, inflation will not happen. 中国学术界的传统观点认为:通货膨胀只会发生在纸币流通的情况下发生,金属货币流通的状况下,不会发生通货膨胀。